American Society of Civil Engineers Day 2024

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Everyone knows today is Election Day, but were you aware today is also ASCE Day? The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) is an important organization to the field of civil engineering as well as to our firm. Eustis Engineering civil engineers have always been fervent supporters and participants in the ASCE New Orleans Branch and the Louisiana Section while also participating in various regional and national activities. Many of our employees have held positions or received awards for their contributions to the ASCE. Currently, James Williams, P.E., is serving as the New Orleans Branch President; Ben Cody, P.E., is serving as the Vice Chairman of the Geo-Institute of the LA Section; and Gwen Sanders, P.E. is serving through Nationals on the ASCE Standard – Foundations for Buildings and Other Structures.  Happy 172nd Anniversary, ASCE! We look forward to many more years of furthering the profession together.