Geotechnical Engineering


As the leading geotechnical firm on the Gulf Coast, Eustis Engineering L.L.C. plays an integral part in the development of various types of projects across the Gulf Coast. Eustis Engineering has recently expanded to the Northeast and looks forward to bringing our expertise in geotechncial engineering to this region. Our geotechnical solutions have paved the way for successful construction and improvements in challenging conditions, and our analyses and recommendations have allowed for cost-effective projects completed in a timely manner. We are dedicated to making this happen on every single project. We are proud to work with federal, state, and local agencies; industrial entities; private entities; and beyond.  

Our geotechnical engineering services include:
  • Shallow foundations
  • Deep foundations, including driven piles, augercast piles, and drilled shafts
  • Slope stability of river banks and other slopes and embankments
  • Seepage through earthen embankments or under structures
  • Consolidation settlement of structures
  • Braced excavations
  • Site dewatering
  • Ground improvement measures
  • Soil Structure Interaction (SSI) modeling using Finite Element Method (FEM).