Geotechnical Instrumentation


Eustis Engineering L.L.C. has installed geotechnical instrumentation for decades. Our instrumentation programs have resulted in significant cost savings for our clients by reducing earthen preload durations, refining design parameters through full-scale testing, and verifying performance of cutting edge designs. These services extend beyond the construction phase. Our long term monitoring programs verify that soil behavior is within acceptable limits which lengthens the design life of structures.
Our instrumentation services include:
  • Installation of vibrating wire devices, i.e., piezometers, extensometers, settlement gauges, strain gauges, and conventional accelerometer, Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), and ShapeArrayAccelerometers (SAA) inclinometers
  • Use of data loggers to record user-defined device event readings (enabling real-time monitoring of select instruments) and remote logging
  • Ability to send automated instrument readings to project stakeholders through remote logging and data logger utilization
  • Building, installing, and monitoring conventional settlement plates
  • Development of instrumentation plans to meet specific project needs.